Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2012: What to Expect - Part 1

What to Expect in 2012 - Part 1
by Gary Kah

Well, here we are, the much anticipated year 2012 has finally arrived ?C the year in which the world as we know it is supposed to end. The countdown to December 21st is on, with more one-world/new age events being planned for the next twelve-month period than any other stretch of time in recent memory.  

Meetings on the itinerary include a host of interfaith gatherings designed to bring the religions of the world together in order to facilitate a Quantum Leap into the New Spiritual Order.  While this may or may not be the year in which the one-world agenda comes to fruition, the Bible warns that a time of unprecedented worldwide deception spearheaded by the Antichrist (also known as the Beast or Lawless One) will take place in the final days of human history just prior to the return of Jesus the Messiah (Matthew 24, Revelation 13 & 14, II Thessalonians 2). Only God knows how much time we have to freely share His message of hope and forgiveness; however, new age globalists are pulling out all the stops to make their dream of an occult world order come true. 

The momentum is expected to build through the spring and summer, accelerating next fall when over 300 spiritual leaders representing the worlds religions come together in Rome. Their purpose will be to draft a charter intended to pave the way for a new global consciousness.The drafting of this charter will be overseen by a group of influential religious leaders including two prominent Vatican cardinals, a former Italian prime minister, the Dalai Lama of Tibet, and new ager Barbara Marx Hubbard, among others. 

Then, on December 21 , the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) will be sponsoring a worldwide occult meditation festival. The NGWS has been inspired by the writings of Theosophist Alice Bailey who founded Lucifer Publishing Company in 1922, before changing its name to Lucis Trust two years later. (See chapter two of my book The New World Religion for complete documentation.) It is Lucis Trust and World Goodwill ?C sister organizations derived from the work of Alice Bailey ?C that are the guiding bodies behind this festival week. Their hope is that the occult meditations/activities occurring simultaneously throughout the world during that week will enable group fusion to bring about their desired global transformation.

During this worldwide occult spectacle, a new birth of the world is to be celebrated. Dubbed Birth 2012, New Age leader Barbara Marx Hubbard is calling December 22, 2012, a global birthday. She is working with other new age figures, hoping their efforts will bring about the global evolutionary leap that will finally unite the world spiritually, socially, and consciously. In short, December 22 has been designated the launch date for unveiling their new world order.

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