Saturday, November 13, 2010

Margaret Sanger - The Woman Rebel

Margaret Sanger 1879 - 1966
founder Planned Parenthood

In a recent worldview class, after viewing the documentary entitled "What Hath Darwin Wrought", we were discussing the philosophies of Charles Darwin and the effects that his destructive theories have had on society.   To say that many opinions were expressed would be an understatement.  One of the more logical statements expressed was that if an individual today actually believed that they were not created by God and evolved from nothing, it is not unrealistic to say that same individual would not put a high priority on human life.  When destructive theories like Darwin's are incorporated into society and God is left out of the picture and the church remains silent - you end up with tragedies beyond description.  We only need to look back a few decades to see the influence that Darwin had on people like Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin.  The lives lost during the Holocaust alone are a sobering example that ideas have consequences.  And, bad ideas have bad consequences.  Friel and his crew have put together a thought provoking DVD - I encourage you to view it.  Enter Margaret Sanger ...

Margaret Sanger was one of eleven children to a mother who eventually died from cancer and a father who was an activist for women's suffrage and free public education.  Sanger was influenced by the philosophies of her father during her early years, but it wasn't until 1914 that the we began to see the true worldview of Margaret Sanger.  It was in that year that Sanger began publishing "The Woman Rebel".  The slogan of the publication was "No Gods, No Masters" and promoted the notion that each woman "be the mistress of her own body".

Sanger, an atheist, continuously attacked the Christian community and its leaders that opposed her.  Within the pages of her magazine, Sanger spewed anti-Christian and anti-family thoughts and ideals.  As stated by Brannon Howse in his book Grave Influence, she thought of marriage as a degenerative institution and sexual modesty as obscene prudery (page 312).  As a member of the Socialist party, Sanger was also anti-capitalist - stating that it (capitalism) was indecent exploitation - see "What Every Girl Should Know".  These ideas and philosophies were galvanized when Sanger traveled to Europe during the twenties.

While in Europe, Sanger studied and developed a fondness of eugenics and the Nazi Race Purification program (Grave Influence pg 312).  This program was the brainchild of Adolf Hitler ... an admirer of one Charles Darwin.  Not only did the worldview of Hitler and his cronies support the cause of Sanger, but they found their roots across the bond in the United States during the 1940's with the establishment of Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood now has 850 clinics nationwide and brings in over 1 billion dollars per year. 

So let us recap ... Sanger was an atheist, a socialist, and a racist.  She believed in the eugenics movement and put the theories of Darwin into action with the establishment of Planned Parenthood.  Sanger wanted to rid the planet of the "less-desirable" people and thought of it as a good thing for society.  Sanger certainly waged war on God and her actions are still being felt today .... will we ever learn?  May we repent of our sins as individuals and as a nation.  Let us open our hearts and minds to receive the free gift of grace given to us by Jesus Christ .... the only Savior of this world!

In His Name,
Gut Check Ministries

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