Monday, November 16, 2009

Frankfurt School Migration to the United States

Origins of Cultural Marxism . . . Oops, I mean Political Correctness

The Frankfurt School was a group of German intellectuals (Marxists) that organized in 1923. There main goal was the elimination of Christianity from the culture. The direct result of the elimination of Christianity would be 1) the fall of the traditional family, 2) the influence of the church would be silenced, and 3) capitalistic societies and the free market would be destroyed. In 1933 the Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, came to power in Germany. This event led the members of the Frankfurt school to flee to America. Their infiltration into America was aided by none other than John Dewey.

You might know Dewey better as, "The Father of Modern Education" here in the United States. But, he also co-authored the "Humanist Manifesto I". Dewey was determined to place these German Marxists at leading college(s) and universities throughout the USA. He emphasized placing these people within the institutions of education and media. He was helped in his efforts by a man by the name of Edward R. Murrow ("Good Night and Good Luck" - a recent movie starring George Clooney romanticized the life of this man). Murrow became Assistant Secretary of the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced German Scholars in 1934. He also joined the American Russian Institute (co-founded by John Dewey) and later became a famous broadcaster for CBS.

He gained national fame when he led a witchhunt against U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy was leading the charge and calling for investigations into the media and educational establishments as it related to Communism and the Frankfurt School. Murrow knew that McCarthy was on to something and went on to use his position to destroy the credibility of McCarthy.

Murrow also brought Herbert Marcuse to America. Marcuse was influenced by Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci. We all know Marcuse by his famous phrase, "Make love not War". This famous phrase along with his writings were the framework of the counter-cultural revolution that occurred during the sixties. As you can see, Political Correctness aka Cultural Marxism, can be traced back all the way to the 1920s. Sadly, these philosophies have not died out over time. If anything they have gained momentum . . . right under the noses of the American people and right in front of the face of the American church. Who knew that by being silent on cultural/philosophical issues, the church itself, would help accomplish one of the Frankfurt School(s) main goals discussed in 1923.

For more information on the Frankfurt School go to the following links . . .

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