Friday, September 10, 2010

GLENN BECK - Dangerous, Deceptive, "Christian", or Hero?

Has the Evangelical Community handed over Biblical Authority for the sake of a Flag?

On 8/28/10, a crowd that numbered hundreds of thousands gathered in the mall to listen to a Mormon call America back to its Christian roots.  Beck was flanked by a spectrum of religious leaders that applauded every time that Beck called for us to fall on our knees and cry out to god.  Some even stated that they heard the gospel preached better than ever before ... which gospel?  Which god?  Below is an excerpt from an interesting article written by Brannon Howse, who has done extensive coverage on the event, detailing many important issues that Biblical Christians must consdier.  I encourage you to read the full article by clicking here.

"See that no one leads you astray. (5) For many will come in my name, saying, "I am the Christ", and they will lead many astray. (6) And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.  See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. (7) For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and their will be famines and earthquakes in various places. (8) All these are but the beginning of the birth pains." - Matthew 24: 4-8

I Told You The Stage Was Set By Glenn Beck For Rev. Jim Wallis and Him To Start A Dialogue Based on Shared Humanism and Paganism?
By Brannon S. Howse

On my radio program on 8-30 and 31, 2010, I predicted that Rev. Jim Wallis and Glenn Beck could actually find common ground because they share many of the same philosophies whether they knew it or not. However, I never expected that Wallis would release an open letter to Glenn Beck in less than a week that would acknowledge how close these two really are in their worldviews.

I told my radio audience that the thesis and antithesis of the Hegelian Dialectic Process had been set up between Beck and Wallis and all we need is for the two to synthesis their two worldviews together through the shared ideas of paganism, humanism and good-works, among other ideas, and then a new thesis would be created. I never thought it would only take five days for Wallis to admit how much he and Beck agree and to request that a dialogue begin.
Even if Beck and Wallis do not get together for a formal meeting, the bridge that is possible has been acknowledged and many will jump on this idea in their own minds because of their hunger for unity. This also confirms my prediction that in the coming days this merger will occur with or without Beck and Wallis.

MORMONISM: "Soup to Nuts"

How much do any of us know about Mormonism?  The above picture represents the "VISION" that Joseph Smith had centuries ago.  During my research I have uncovered many items that I have found very disturbing.  Below is a link to a cartoon that was created by one-time temple Mormon, Ed Decker.  Decker put the basic beliefs of the Mormon faith into animation ... a move that I much appreciated.  As my research progresses, I am shocked to find striking similarities between Mormonism, Islam, and Freemasonry.

To view the video, click here ... or copy and paste the link into your browser -

For more information regarding Ed Decker and his ministry visit his site by clicking here

Ron Carlson has done a tremendous amount of work regarding Freemasonry and Islam.  You can learn more about the work of Carlson by clicking here.

Lastly, Google has digitized a book that is fascinating to read - "Mormonism, the Islam of America" by Bruce Kinney.  You can read or download the book by clicking here.

What does the U.S. President believe?

Brannon Howse (Worldview Weekend) recently interviewed Usama Dakdok (The Straight Way) concerning questions centered around the belief system of U.S. President Brack Obama.  Below are 4 links that can be viewed in successive order.  Click on each item or cut and paste the links into your browser.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four